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August 26, 2024

Unveiling the Queen: Surprising Secrets of Elizabeth II's Historic Reign

Unveiling the Queen: Surprising Secrets of Elizabeth II's Historic Reign
Queen Elizabeth II
Q: How long did Queen Elizabeth II rule Britain, and what made her reign significant?
A: Queen Elizabeth II ruled Britain for more than 70 years, becoming the longest-serving monarch in British history. Her reign was marked by her diplomatic skills and involvement in various scandals, from secret affairs and meetings with spies to internal family drama, making her life one of the most debated in history.


Q: Did Queen Elizabeth II ever attend school?
A: No, Queen Elizabeth II never attended a public school. Like many royals of her time, she was educated at home alongside her younger sister, Margaret. Her education included riding, swimming, dancing, and studying fine art and music. She was taught by her father, senior teachers from Eton College, several French and Belgian governesses who taught her French, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, who instructed her in religion.


Q: Did Queen Elizabeth II serve in the military?
A: Yes, during World War II, Queen Elizabeth II served in the Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS), becoming the first female member of the royal family to join the armed forces as a full-time active member. She trained as a driver and mechanic, learning to repair and drive heavy vehicles. This service demonstrated her commitment to the war effort and shaped her approach to leadership and duty.


Q: How did Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip meet, and what was their relationship?
A: Queen Elizabeth II met Prince Philip when she was 13 years old. They were third cousins, both related to Queen Victoria - Elizabeth on her father’s side and Philip on his mother’s. Despite Philip being born into the royal families of Greece and Denmark, he renounced his original titles when he married Elizabeth. They were married for 73 years before his death in 2021.


Q: Was Queen Elizabeth II originally in line to become queen?
A: No, Queen Elizabeth II was not initially expected to become queen. She was born in 1926 to Prince Albert, the Duke of York, the second son of King George V. However, her uncle, King Edward VIII, abdicated the throne in 1936 to marry Wallis Simpson, an American divorcée. This unexpected event made her father King George VI, placing Elizabeth next in line for the throne.

Elizabeth II
Elizabeth II


Q: Did Queen Elizabeth II award soldiers involved in controversial events?
A: Yes, Queen Elizabeth II awarded British soldiers involved in the Bloody Sunday massacre on January 30, 1972. During this event, British soldiers shot 26 unarmed civilians during a protest march in Northern Ireland, resulting in 13 immediate deaths. The Queen awarded Lt. Col. Wilford the OBE shortly after the incident, a decision that was seen as a calculated insult to the victims' families and the nationalist people of Derry.


Q: What unique way did Queen Elizabeth II start her mornings?
A: Queen Elizabeth II liked to be woken up by the sound of bagpipes. When she stayed at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, her official ‘Piper to the Sovereign’ would play outside her window every day at 9 a.m. for about 15 minutes. The Piper also played at her funeral, performing the lament ‘Sleep, dearie, sleep’ towards the end of the service at Westminster Abbey.


Q: Did Queen Elizabeth II ever experience a security breach at Buckingham Palace?
A: Yes, in 1982, an intruder named Michael Fagan broke into Buckingham Palace and entered Queen Elizabeth II's bedroom. Despite the alarming situation, the Queen remained calm and engaged Fagan in conversation until help arrived. This incident highlighted serious lapses in royal security and led to significant improvements in palace protection.


Q: Why did Queen Elizabeth II celebrate two birthdays each year?
A: Queen Elizabeth II celebrated two birthdays each year - her actual birthday on April 21 and an "official birthday" in June. The official birthday was scheduled during a time of better weather to allow for public celebrations, such as the Trooping the Colour parade. The Queen's actual birthday was celebrated privately with those closest to her.

Trooping the Colour
Trooping the Colour

Q: Did Queen Elizabeth II pay taxes?
A: Yes, Queen Elizabeth II voluntarily began paying taxes on her personal income in 1992. This decision came after public backlash against using taxpayers' money to repair Windsor Castle, which had been damaged by fire. The Queen agreed to cover 70% of the restoration costs and opened Buckingham Palace to the public to generate additional funds.


Q: What were the circumstances surrounding Queen Elizabeth II's death?
A: Queen Elizabeth II died on September 8, 2022, at Balmoral Castle in Scotland at the age of 97. Her death was controversial due to the mixed reactions it elicited. Some celebrated her long reign and contributions to stability and diplomacy, while others criticized her for perpetuating colonialism. Her death certificate cited "old age" as the cause of death, with no other causes listed.

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